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연번, 파일, 제목, 카테고리, 작성자, 조회수, 작성일 제공표
No Subject Author Hit File Name Upload
29 Sensor Systems to Detect Impacts on Spacecraft, Version 2_1 Hae-Dong.Kim 2291 2019.10.15(14:51)
28 34th_UN_COPUOS_STSC Hae-Dong.Kim 1850 2019.10.15(14:50)
27 IADC Statement on Large Constellations of Satellites in Low Earth Orbit (rev 3) Hae-Dong.Kim 3339 2019.10.15(14:46)
26 IADC reorbit recommendation for GEO preservation (1997) Hae-Dong.Kim 1869 2019.10.15(14:46)
25 IADC Key Definitions Hae-Dong.Kim 1943 2019.10.15(14:46)
24 Comparison of meteoroid models(AI 24.1) Hae-Dong.Kim 1690 2019.10.15(14:39)
23 Characterization of Ejecta from HVI on Spacecraft outer Surfaces Hae-Dong.Kim 1741 2019.10.15(14:39)
22 Benefits and risks of using electrodynamic tethers to de-orbit spacecraft (AI 19.1) Hae-Dong.Kim 1914 2019.10.15(14:39)
21 55th_UN_COPUOS_STSC Hae-Dong.Kim 1669 2019.10.15(14:28)
20 54th_UN_COPUOS_STSC Hae-Dong.Kim 1589 2019.10.15(14:27)