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연번, 파일, 제목, 카테고리, 작성자, 조회수, 작성일 제공표
No Subject Author Hit File Name Upload
49 IADC Statement on Active Debris Removal Steering Group 3883 2022.12.12(15:15)
48 IADC-15-03 IADC Statement on Large Constellations of Satellites in Low Earth Orbit (Rev. 1.1) IADC WG4 6092 2021.07.07(10:21)
47 IADC-04-06 Support to IADC Gudielines Rev 5.8 IADC 5204 2021.06.23(17:19)
46 Support to IADC Guidelines Rev5.7(2020) IADC 4567 2020.05.25(21:37)
45 Spacecraft Component Vulnerability for Space Debris Impact (IADC-13-11 AI31.3, v1.0a, 2020) WG3 4729 2020.05.08(08:19)
44 Orbital Debris Mitigation Standard Practices (US Government) (version of 2019) NASA 5042 2020.03.13(00:00)
43 The USA 2010 National Space Policy NASA 3606 2019.10.23(19:30)
42 UN Space Debris Mitigation Guidelines (UN COPUOS, 2010) UN 7183 2019.10.23(19:27)
41 Technical Report on Space Debris (UN COPUOS, 1999) UN 3205 2019.10.23(19:26)
40 Process for Limiting Orbital Debris (NASA-STD-8719.14B, 2019) (Updated) NASA 2839 2019.10.23(19:25)